Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Trust without borders...

The last year or so seems to have been a constant journey for us, of learning to trust. God keeps asking us, "do you trust me?" do you really trust me?" "how about in this?" and we discover again and again that after all this time we still haven't learnt to fully trust Him. We still haven't learnt what it means to trust without borders, without limits, to let go completely, to give over our whole lives in submission and trust.We still try to hold onto things in some small way, thinking that some level of holding on, keeps us in control of our lives, as if us being in control is better than God being in control.  And we loose sight of the fact that he is trustworthy, completely and utterly. Our lives our in the best  hands when we give them over to him, entrusting every part to his care, his shepherding, his control. We sing, speak and hear about putting our trust in God. But when push comes to shove, do we really trust him in everything?
At this time, we feel pushed even more into the need for abandoning ourselves in trust in Him.
We are this point where we need to trust God so much more than we've ever done before. We're in this crazy place of uncertainty, that is pushing us to the limits, where we're outside of our comfort zones, where we have to depend on Him so much more.
Yes it's all change at the moment; having moved out of our house, packed up the belongings we're keeping, our last days at work getting so much closer, and sorting all those final details of things that need to be sorted before leaving the country for 6 months.
And we're at that point again where God is asking us if we still trust him, if we trust him when are comforts and securities are not there. If we trust that he is unchanging and faithful, when so much is changing.

Our prayer is that every day we learn to trust Him with that bit more of our lives than we did yesterday.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

What we'll be upto...

Justice Discipleship Training School - Lecture phase...

This will be 3 months in which we will explore some of the issues that are at the core of social injustice today. We will also dig deep in order to understand God's heart for justice and allow Him to bring into focus ways that we can actively take part in making a difference, both within our individual spheres of influence, and around the world.This DTS will be our opportunity to learn more about God and about how WE can change our person at a time. 

Justice Discipleship Training School - Outreach phase...

2 months of practically outworking what we've learnt during lecture phase in a country in the South East Asia area. Some of the things we could be doing; working alongside human trafficking ministries, sharing our personal testimonies, practically helping at the ministry locations, working with street kids, going to slums and sharing the love of Jesus, relationship building, putting a face or faces to the issues which connect people to our heart, prayer walks impacting local cultural strongholds, visiting and praying for the sick in hospitals. 

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Lead us to the Rock

We've both been feeling a bit overwhelmed with the craziness of it all this week and how little time there is before we go, how much money we have to raise and how much we need to do!

But we know without a doubt that when God opens a door, he provides the strength, the grace and everything we need to walk through it. He doesn't leave us at the doorway!

And when He asks us to take risks and trust him...He is trustworthy!

Saturday, 25 October 2014

We've been accepted!

This is us on our way to New Zealand in January with our pilot and a random curly haired lady!

We've actually done it!

Story so far...(short version!)

Most people know that we've both always had a heart for foreign mission. And that was one of the things that was clear to see God had given both of us a vision and passion for, along with a heart for worship and the marginalised. We knew when we got married that God would take us abroad at some point.  When we first got married though we needed to stick around in Gloucester for at least two years,as Ben had just qualified as an ODP and needed three years experience under his belt. 3 years turned into 5 years. Just patiently waiting for God's timing.

The last two years have been less patient as we really felt God unsettling us and stirring us up. And we were anxious to find out what he was unsettling us to move us into...

Over the last 6-8 months God has been stirring in us a desire for more, more of Him. We realised we needed God to shake us up, unsettle us and take us out of our comfort lead us into a deeper relationship with Him. And that's when God started to really lead us towards a YWAM DTS(Youth With A Mission Discipleship Training School).  Yes we had thought about it before and had pushed it aside as it didn't seem to make sense to us, but God kept bringing it back to our attention and started to show us it was the right thing for us. Ben has done a DTS before in New Zealand and he had a dream a few months ago that he was back there uncovering something that he'd buried when he was there before and God was saying "It's time to go back". So we knew God wanted us to go back there. 

Now the what and the was clear to us that God wanted us to do something together, something that would grow our relationship with each other and with God, something that also focused in on things that we were passionate about as a couple...that's where the justice DTS came into things. 

We've both always had a heart for the marginalised, from Ben working with street kids on various mission trips to Nai heading up an Act for Justice group in Gloucester campaigning and raising awareness about human trafficking and both of us being involved in a local homeless project. Justice has been a passion on our hearts and so this just felt right for us both. An amazing opportunity for us to grow in our walks with God and catch even more of his heart for Justice.  

And the when...well the next one was in January so we really sought God and decided we needed to take a leap of faith, and take a risk and just go for it....and here begins the journey!! It's scary, it's crazy but it's an exciting adventure ahead with our faithful Father.

The after...well we're throwing it all out open before God...for him to lead and we will follow!
So for now...time to sell some things, finish our jobs, raise £11,000, pack up and go to the other side of the world!

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Chasing God

As you move, I'm right beside You, 
I'm running after You
I want to be where You are
I'm chasing You
I'm so in love
Captivated, I just can't get enough
I'll spend my days 
Running after Your heart
Your heart, Your heart
I'm chasing You
With all my love
Captivated, I just can't get enough
I'll spend my days 
Running after Your heart
Your heart, Your heart, Whoa
Heart, You've won me heart and soul
And where You lead I'll go
I want to be where You are
From the moment I rise, to the moment I sleep
My affection is for You, and even as I dream
I want to know you, I'm after Your heart
This life, this love, was always meant to be
A wild, crazy adventure, discovering
The thrill, the rush, the more of You I see
The more it leaves me wanting
You're everything, You're everything