Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Trust without borders...

The last year or so seems to have been a constant journey for us, of learning to trust. God keeps asking us, "do you trust me?" do you really trust me?" "how about in this?" and we discover again and again that after all this time we still haven't learnt to fully trust Him. We still haven't learnt what it means to trust without borders, without limits, to let go completely, to give over our whole lives in submission and trust.We still try to hold onto things in some small way, thinking that some level of holding on, keeps us in control of our lives, as if us being in control is better than God being in control.  And we loose sight of the fact that he is trustworthy, completely and utterly. Our lives our in the best  hands when we give them over to him, entrusting every part to his care, his shepherding, his control. We sing, speak and hear about putting our trust in God. But when push comes to shove, do we really trust him in everything?
At this time, we feel pushed even more into the need for abandoning ourselves in trust in Him.
We are this point where we need to trust God so much more than we've ever done before. We're in this crazy place of uncertainty, that is pushing us to the limits, where we're outside of our comfort zones, where we have to depend on Him so much more.
Yes it's all change at the moment; having moved out of our house, packed up the belongings we're keeping, our last days at work getting so much closer, and sorting all those final details of things that need to be sorted before leaving the country for 6 months.
And we're at that point again where God is asking us if we still trust him, if we trust him when are comforts and securities are not there. If we trust that he is unchanging and faithful, when so much is changing.

Our prayer is that every day we learn to trust Him with that bit more of our lives than we did yesterday.

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